Bull supplier in india

Bull supplier in india

Product Details:

Name:Bull supplier in india
Nationality:Make In India
Product Price:33000

Product Description:

PARKASH DAIRY FARM is offering a huge varieties in supplying a pure breed of Bulls. These are offered in many various breeds that include HF cow, sahiwal bullbreeder, murrah, jersey, yuvraj baby bull, tharparkar bull and many more in the list. The provided cows and buffaloes are free from disease, long life and can tolerate high heat and winter climactic conditions. In addition of this, they produce overall 25 liters of milk per lactation. The jersey calf of 2months are ready for the service. The pure murrah bull gives 20 liters of milk at her second lactation with full nutrition quality. These Bulls have good developed body and are grown in our hygienic farm conditions. The buffaloes are feed on good diet and checked monthly medically.

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